BUZ Aerospace Project

June 2022
Fuel Ignition Experiments 1.0

Solid fuel combustion was performed using KNO3 (potassium nitrate) and sorbitol as the main fuel and NH4NO3 (ammonium nitrate) as the oxidizer...

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April 2023
Rocket Engine 1.5 & 3rd Ignition Test

We set the following requirements for the propellant system of the Silver Snoopy rocket. First, the propellant must be KNSB (65/35)...

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July 2023
Silver Snoopy Rocket Design (Computer, Parachute, Body...)

BUZ's first rocket is named “Silver Snoopy”. Powered by a BUZ Rocket Engine 1.5, it will produce about 400 N of thrust and weigh about 3 kg in total...

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Septemebr 2023
Rocket Engine 2.0 & 4th Ignition Test

In order to increase the thrust from Rocket Fuel 1.5, which produces about 400N thrust, we added potassium perchlorate and iron oxide...

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October 2023
Preparation for Rocket Launch

While working on BUZ Rocket Engine 2.0 & “Silver Snoopy” Rocket, we also worked on the launch pad. “Silver Snoopy” Rocket is about 1 m long and...

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