Written by
Seongwoo Min

Preparation for Rocket Launch

October 2023
BUZ Aerospace
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While working on BUZ Rocket Engine 2.0 & “Silver Snoopy” Rocket, we also worked on the launch pad. “Silver Snoopy” Rocket is about 1 m long and weighs about 3 kg, so we needed a structure that could send the rocket to the desired angle and support it at the same time. We designed a rail on each end of the rocket in order to make the rocket follow the aluminum rail, and we used the joints of the aluminum profile to stubbornly fix the launcher. Initially, we used 20 X 20 profiled, but for a more stiff launcher, we chose a 40X40 profile and the angle adjustment slots. The total length of the rails on the launcher is 2 meters, and we designed it so that the spacing between the rails can be adjusted depending on the thickness and length of the rockets we build in the future, so it can be used to launch rockets of different sizes in the future.

Launch Site

South Korea does not have a free, wide open land for amateur rocket launches, so you need to apply for official airspace or an airfield run by the country to launch your rocket. For the Silver Snoopy Rocket Launch, we are expecting our launch site will be at the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) in Goheung. The CanSat competition already exists in Korea and launches rockets there every year. The second alternative is the Albatross Airfield in Naju. It is also an airfield, so there is no need to apply for airspace, and it is suitable for launching rockets because it was originally used as an airfield. The above launch site was found with the help of KAIST.