Written by
Yong-wook Kim

$700K Support from the School & Assistant Manager's Join

March 2023
KMLA Forge
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We persuaded the school through several meetings and presentations with administrators to secure financial support. We appealed the current problem in our school not having a workspace for student projects and the potential advantages of having a workspace. Also, as the forge became more complete, with desks, chairs, and more, more people on campus learned about it. This interest led to active investment and support from the school.Consequently, we could get an opportunity to use the school's $700K budget to remodel KMLA Forge.

Besides financial support, the school employed the Forge administrator Mr. Jeon Mok-hee. With decades of experience working with machine tools in an industrial high school, he pointed out several safety issues in the shop and became the official teacher in charge of the shop. Together with Mr. Jeon, we envisioned a second round of remodeling and designed a large-scale renovation of the workshop.